Once you’re known as a food blogger (among friends and family at least) you can never again show up at a potluck or barbeque with a non-dish. A non-dish includes chips, soda, and nonedibles (i.e. paper plates and plastic cutlery). It’s a bit annoying when non-dish-contributors arrive at a potluck meal with their paltry bag of chips–usually without dip. These folks will often be first in line for the buffet and prove to be one of the more hearty eaters. They will return to the buffett for seconds, thirds, (sometimes fourths) and will take a covered plate (or plates) home as well. When they depart, their original donation of chips will be tucked securely under their arm.

It would never occur to a food blogger to bring a non-dish to any foodie function, especially the bloggers who contribute to Sunday Supper. For the past two years, these bloggers have shared amazing recipes every Sunday in an effort to bring the family “back around the family table.” The Sunday Supper Movement, founded by Isabel Laessig, has had a tsunami effect on Twitter, regularly trending during weekly #SundaySupper chats, and has boosted the page views and fortunes of dozens of bloggers who participate regularly.

Today is the second birthday celebration of this venerable group. My favorite Sunday Supper memory is, hands down, meeting these lovely ladies last summer in Orlando at the first Food and Wine Conference sponsored by Isabel and other hardworking Sunday Supper bloggers. I think my fellow Sunday Supper bloggers would agree that if one is at a lost for an easy dish to present to the inevitable pot-luck lunch or dinner during the year, a six-fruit Luscious Fruit Salad presented in a crystal dish would be welcomed. It’s a guarantee guests would be drawn to bite-sized chunks of melon, pineapple, green and red grapes, and strawberries. Picky eaters and kids alike will recognize a delicious starting place in the buffet line when fruit is available.

This is a dish that I proudly bring to the virtual Sunday Supper celebration, knowing that it would be appreciated–and eaten. Later in 2014, when the inevitable pot luck event occurs, a healthy addition like a Luscious Fruit Salad in a beautiful serving dish will be counted among the memorable dishes.


  • 1 pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into chunks
  • 1 honeydew melon, deseeded and cut into chunks
  • 1 cantalope, deseeded and cut into chunks
  • 2 pounds green grapes
  • 2 pounds red grapes
  • 2 pints strawberries, tops removed and slice (reserve 6 whole strawberries)


  1. In extra-large crystal (or decorative) serving bowl, add chunks of fruit, mixing fruit as it is added to bowl until fruit is within one inch from the top of the bowl. Using the reserved, whole strawberries, make a garnish by placing each whole strawberry into an egg slicer and applying pressure until the strawberry is 3/4 sliced. Repeat for the remaining strawberries and “fan” each cut strawberry between your fingers as if you are spreading a hand of playing cards. Arrange each strawberry on top of the fruit salad as garnish.