Frozen Strawberry Crunch


This is definitely one of my all-time favorite desserts! Frozen Strawberry Crunch reminds me of a more ‘mature and formal’ version of those strawberry crunch bars I ate as a child in the summertime. I have had this on my ‘to bake’ list for the past two months and couldn’t wait to share it with all of you! So, while visiting my parents, I ‘talked my mom into’ helping me make this for dessert (which was not too difficult). Even my dad who “doesn’t really like strawberries” had a few servings. Our boys loved it and it even made Big Brother’s list of ‘God, thank you for__’ prayers that evening! Caution: If you like strawberries, this dessert may be especially dangerous for you!


Crunch Layer/Topping:

  • 1 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup chopped pecans

Strawberry Filling: 

  • 2 (10 oz) boxes or bags of Frozen Strawberries
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 pint of whipping cream


1.  First, lightly mix the crunch layer/topping ingredients together.

2. Place in an oblong pan and bake at 400 degrees for approximately 20 minutes. Stir frequently; bake until golden brown. (May not require all 20 minutes.)

3. Allow to cool. Place 1/3 of the mixture at the bottom of your serving dish. (An oblong dish works especially well; optional)

4. Next, begin the filling. Beat egg whites. Gradually add sugar, and lemon juice, vanilla, and frozen strawberries. Beat for approximately 15-20 minutes. Fold in whipping cream.

*Note: This can be VERY messy since the strawberries are frozen. (Taken from much experience, it helps to very slightly defrost the strawberries in the microwave.) Be cautious, knowing it can be messy will help!

5. Pour 1/2 of the filling on top of the crumb mixture in the dish, repeat both layers, with a final crumb topping layer on the top. Freeze Overnight.

Serve Frozen. Enjoy!


  1. Donna K.

    In the recipe for Frozen Strawberry Crunch, it calls for whipping cream. Do I whip the whipping cream or add it straight from the carton? It sounds yummy and I’d like to try it. Thank you!

    • KimC

      Donna, I have this recipe from many years ago, and it is very good; but the ingredients for this recipe are double the amount you need for a 9×13 pan. If you halve the ingredients you will have the crust and a few of crumbs fir the top, so only one layer. This recipe just says an oblong pan, which is what?
      Yes, whip the cream with 1 tsp vanilla and then fold in.

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