5 Ingredient Hot Cocoa Mix Microwave Brownies


Good news guys I think I’ve found the answer to cope with hectic exam weeks. If there is to be one, I bet it is long runs to the new Bruce Springsteen album (oh man, I love it!) and stuffing your face with as much chocolate as you can.

Chocolate in the form of fudgy, rich, moist brownies. Which (bonus points) can be made in your microwave in less than  minutes. Because, remember that you’re one stressed student and you do not have the time to spend making brownies and doing all those dishes afterward, right? And if you’re lucky enough to no longer have exams, I’m sure you still want brownies but do not want to wait for them.

And if you don’t, I think you’re weird. But hey, it’s ok. I think we could totally be bbf’s, because that would mean more brownies for me. 

((( Happiness )))

These brownies are really, really good. I know some of you might be a little bit skeptical about microwave baked goods, and yeah, I see your point. I’ve tried lots of recipes which ended up tasting like shoes. And no, no that I go around tasting shoes, but I’m pretty positive that that is what some microwave brownies taste like mmm yes #gross.

Fear not, guys. This one is a keeper! It turns out moist, dense, chewy and super chocolaty every single time. Trust me, I’ve tried this recipe like 20 times and I can ensure that this one is a winner. No brownie shaped piece of cardboard: just chocolaty heaven. I’d like to tell you that I tested this recipe that many times for the sake of recipe-developing, but the truth is that I have an obsession with these. A pretty serious one, I’m not kidding.

Let’s be honest guys. I prefer to have really indulgent stuff every time I go for a treat. Enter homemade croissants, big fluffy cinnabons and decadent sinful layer cakes. I believe that those should be part of a healthy lifestyle, and that’s why I strive to eat something I truly enjoy whenever I feel like splurging. 

These brownies are awesome, yes. I wouldn’t say that they’re the best dessert in the world, but they’re delicious for a microwave version. Best one I’ve ever tried, in fact!  That being said: these aren’t the treat I’d usually go for. If I’m going to be really naughty, I confess I’d choose something like this Brownie a la Mode Layer Cake or my friend Allie’s Peanut Butter Rolls.

However, I must admit that there are times when you need NEED to have your chocolate fix. It’s either that or rolling yourself into a human burrito and go hide in a dark room so as not to have to study anymore. I like to pretend I’m a human burrito, but I guess I like the brownies better. Yeah guys, there are days when you’ll need chocolate to go on. Days like those you wake up at like 6am in order to study, work out, go to school, go back to study, sneak another quick workout, do tons of homework, have a quick dinner alone because you have to go to classes at night, and then go back to study before bed. If you get to sleep, that is. Most of days it’s just me laying in the dark worrying about the amount of homework I’ll have to get done next day.

That, guys, is my day in a nutshell.

And I still wonder why I look like a Mordor orc all the time mmmm I think I can see it now??

Glad I finally found the way to satisfy my cravings for the sweet stuff and be able to deal with the school life the best way possible. These brownies are true life-savers, I tell you.

If your day is being too bad, you can (and you totally should) top them with whipped cream and sprinkles. There’s nothing that combo can’t fix. You can actually top them with whatever floats your boat! This is a pretty basic recipe, but I reckon that vanilla extract, instant coffee granules, chocolate chips, coconut flakes and lots of stuff would work wonders here. Use your imagination here: your brownie, your rules.

I like to eat mine reheated (they get ever so fudgy that way. Seriously TRY THAT!) and warm, with a dab of peanut butter on top. And whipped cream too thankyouverymuch. Then, you’ll find me pouring sprinkles on top of the cream like it’s my job. Lots of them. The more, the merrier. I once put so many on top that you wouldn’t have told that there was a brownie below the sprinkle monster.

Judge me.

And oh hey, if you’re having the worst day ever, you’re entitled to a Peppa Pig lollipop too.

Let’s wave all our worries goodbye with these brownies. Good thing that this recipe only makes three, because they’d have to roll me out of the house otherwise.

What can I say, I like brownies.

5 Ingredient Hot Cocoa Mix Microwave Brownies


  1. 2 tablespoons butter
  2. 7 tablespoons low fat greek yogurt
  3. 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  4. 1/2 cup flour
  5. 3/4 cup hot cocoa mix
  6. 1 tablespoon water


  1. Melt the butter in a microwave safe bowl.
  2. Stir in yogurt, flour, baking powder, hot cocoa mix powder and water and whisk until combind. Batter will be thick.
  3. Pour into a silicone loaf pan and microwave for 3 minutes or until you see that the brownies are no longer liquid.
  4. Let it cool before cutting into squares.


  1. I’m not counting water as a ingredient!
  2. Sugar free cocoa mix works, but the brownies won’t turn as good.
  3. If you don’t own a silicone loaf pan, use a mug.
  4. The brownies are best reheated and warm.
  5. Add any extras you wish: chocolate chips, vanilla, cinnamon, coconut flakes… all work!

For the record, I did have to eat the Peppa Pig Lollipop too :–(

I hope you guys have a great week. I have another biochem exam coming up on Tuesday, so I won’t be able to comment on blogs and stuff, I’m sorry! I’ll try to catch up later this week.