Happy Monday, I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I’m still studying for my finals, so mine wasn’t the best, but I got to ran almost a full 13.1 miles while I trained on Saturday, which made me incredibly happy! Also, my weekend was full of delicious treats *enter: chocolate truffles, (healthy) burger and fries, chocolate chip cookies, Christmas bread (recipe coming soon!) and homemade Baileys* so I guess I can’t complain, right?

Thank you all for your kind wishes, I’m sure your words will help me cope with the stress of the following week. Or that’s what I hope! Anyway, if things get real serious and weary and stuff, I can always pop a couple of these babies into my mouth. Chocolate and healthy fats?? Oh well, they’re bound to make me feel better!

Isn’t dark chocolate supposed to make you more clever? I think it’s got something to do with the antioxidants and suchlike… That has to justify the fact that I just ate twice my bodyweight on these truffles. Woops, sorry not sorry. I mean, chocolate is good for your brain. So are avocados. Which equals in a more intelligent me, right? Right. Heck, I might even become a math genius or something like that! See? Truffles are the answer. Excuse me while I go and grab seven more.

Oh, kidding. Do you think there is any single truffle left?

If it wasn’t for the fact that the kitchen is still downright covered in sprinkles, you’d never know that truffles had happened here a couple of moments ago. That’s how quickly they disappeared, one second and they were all  g o n e.

Don’t worry though. They’re so quick to make that you can go whip a batch at this very moment and you’ll find yourself with a box full of truffles in less than three hours. And bonus points for the fact that they’re good for you and only 57 kcals each. Now, how cool is that?? Being surrounded by cookies, Christmas breads and the like all the time, I really appreciate having something lighter (but still indulgent!) to snack on! 

Avocado Chocolate Truffles


  1. 5 oz. dark chocolate
  2. 1 ripe avocado
  3. 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  4. 2 tablespoons cacao powder
  5. 1/8 tsp. salt
  6. 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract


  1. You can mash the avocado with a fork if it’s very ripe, but I suggest using a blender if you’re bothered by green chunks in the truffles.
  2. Blend avocado, melted chocolate, cacao, sugar, salt and vanilla together until smooth.
  3. Chill mixture for 15 minutes.
  4. Shape mixture into balls and chill for at least three hours.


  1. You can use cocoa powder, coconut flakes, sprinkles or whatever you fancy to cover the truffles!
  2. Make sure that the avocado is really really really ripe.
  3. Keep leftover truffles in the fridge.

Don’t you guys love it when you get a healthy version of something typically unhealthy to taste amazing? Oh man, I love that feeling!

Happy baking, cookie and truffle devouring!


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