I’ve been meaning to share this recipe with you all for years now. Oh well, maybe not years, but definitely some weeks as we’re talking about really good stuff here.

But then terrible pics happened.

Followed by hours of me struggling with photoshop in attempt not to make the whole dish look this unattractive.

Needless to say it did not work, but you know, I’ve been so busy with exams and half marathon training that I suddenly see my self with no stuff to blog about left ahhh.

So the delicious recipe with the ugly pictures it is today. 

You still here? 

Glad to see you didn’t runaway from this monster, because, apart from getting an 1/10 in looks, this sandwich is quite an amazing one. 

Full of protein, calcium and fiber: the spread alone is filling enough to be a great snack on its own. And let me tell you the best part now: unlike most tuna spreads on the market, there’s no mayo, nor cream cheese involved.

How cool is that?

Made only with real ingredients, this is a sandwich you can feel good about eating all the time. And believe me: you’ll want to!

Clean Eating Tuna Salmon Salad Sandwich


  1. 500 grams cottage cheese (fat free, low fat and full fat work)
  2. 1/2 head broccoli
  3. 1/2 red pepper
  4. 1 red onion
  5. 1 carrot
  6. 150 grams smoked salmon
  7. 2 small cans tuna (packed in water)
  8. 1 tsp worcestershire sauce
  9. 1 tsp tamari sauce (can sub soy sauce)
  10. salt and pepper to taste
  11. lime juice (optional)


  1. Chop all the veggies and salmon nicely. A food proccesor works best for this, but you can use a knife too if you don’t feel like doing a lot of dishes afterwards.
  2. Stir in pureed cottage cheese, tuna, sauces and seasonings ans stir until combined.


  1. This doesn’t keep well for longer than a day!

Sorry this was such an uninteresting post guys. I’ve got lots of things to tell you but no time to do so until like June *sighs*. Can exam season be over yet? thankyouverymuch

If you need me I’ll be sitting in a dark corner worrying about my next biochem exam and longing for summer to come. But you’d better bring cookies if you want me to talk to you – you’re warned!