Pralines are another favorite southern candy. They are not hard to make but they are a little tricky. If the mixture gets too hot your pralines will be dry and crumbly but if it’s not cooked long enough they will be runny and sticky. So, if you haven’t ever made them before, it will take a little practice to get the hang of it. (Oh, and your arm will get a workout because you will stir for around 45 minutes!) Believe me, its worth it!
There are so many ways to make pralines…brown sugar, white sugar, a little of both…regular milk, evaporated milk, condensed milk, buttermilk, half and half…my mama has even used lactose free milk. Some people even add corn syrup but I’m not into that! There are creamy pralines, chewy pralines, and regular pralines, ones with pecans and ones without, brown pralines and white pralines…and flavors galore!
Around here we like to keep our pralines simple…four ingredients (five if you use pecans)! They are the original old fashioned white pralines flavored with a little vanilla! We make them every holiday season (and sometimes in-between just for the heck of it). My mama has always made them with and without pecans (because we like them both ways).