Upside Down Georgia Pecan Cake


Have you ever tried Georgia pecan cake? If not, you need to cook my recipe at once to fall in love with the flavors of coconut and pecans. It is a special delight that my sisters and I used to cook whenever we craved something sweet. Instead of just trying the chocolate cake recipes, Georgia pecan cake became our house favorite .

The combination of a sticky and crunchy sweet is indeed impressive. Moreover, it is light and creamy that comes with a chewing taste. Like the chew brownies, we make that taste so good. This recipe inspired me because it is so much you can customize. From toppings to changing the main ingredients, you can be the brains behind this recipe.

Why are you going to love upside-down Georgia pecan cake ?

Upside-down cakes are very delicious, and they are so easy to make. In this recipe, you have no complex techniques and layers to get ready. Even the frosting or topping can be of your choice. Just put the topping on the bottom and then add your batter. So, it comes on top after baking.

I have tried this recipe with chopped pecans , coconut, vanilla, and any of my favorite nuts. The topping is brown, and it sorts of melts to maximize the flavors of the cake. Just upside down the cake on your serving tray as soon as you are done, and it is good to go.

The recipe is mess-free and perfect for teens who want to develop their cooking skills. If you follow the quantities and the ingredients on point, the cake will be moist, tender, and highly delicious. You have to try this for a happy baking experience where you will fall in love with every bite.

Upside Down Georgia Pecan Cake Recipe

Have you ever tried Georgia pecan cake? If not, you need to cook my recipe at once to fall in love with the flavors of coconut and pecans. It is a special delight that my sisters and I used to cook whenever we craved something sweet.
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For the cake

  • Eggs 2
  • Flour 2 cups
  • Brown sugar 1 cup
  • Milk 1 cup
  • Vanilla essence 1 tsp
  • Baking powder 2 tbsp
  • Butter ⅔ cup at room temperature
  • Salt ¼ tsp

For the topping

  • Coconut shredded 1 cup
  • Brown sugar ⅔ cup
  • Toasted pecans chopped 2 cups You can use any of your other favorite nuts too
  • Salt half tsp
  • Vanilla essence 1 tsp
  • Ground cinnamon 2 tsp
  • Butter 6 tbsp


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and add an aluminum foil layer to the baking pan. Ensure it is aligned with the side to get the cake out easily.
  • Spray the baking pan with non-stick spray.
  • At the bottom layer, add pecans and coconut. Mix the remaining topping ingredients and drizzle on the aluminum foil layer.
  • Now, mix the butter and brown sugar in an electric mixer. Mix it for 3-4 minutes until it is creamy.
  • Add one egg at a time now to the mixture.
  • Put the rest of the ingredients one by one and then fold the batter smoothly with the help of a spatula.
  • Drop the batter in the pan and bake it for 40 minutes.
  • After that, let it cool for 10 minutes at room temperature. Now, run the knife around the sides and then invert the pan on the serving tray.
  • Let the cake cool, and then serve it to your family and friends.