Cool Whipped Frosting


Hey there, fellow dessert enthusiasts! Today, I’m spilling the beans on my go-to frosting that’s so light and dreamy, it might just float away if you don’t eat it fast enough. Say hello to Cool Whipped Frosting!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Another frosting recipe? Yawn.” But hold onto your whisks, folks, because this isn’t your grandma’s buttercream. This is the kind of frosting that makes you want to skip the cake altogether and just face-plant right into the bowl. (No judgment here – we’ve all been there!)

Why You’ll Fall Head Over Heels for This Frosting

  • It’s lighter than air. Seriously, it’s like spreading clouds on your cake.
  • Four ingredients. FOUR. That’s it. Your kindergartener could make this (but maybe don’t let them, for the sake of your kitchen).
  • No butter = No guilt. Okay, that’s not how it works, but we can pretend, right?
  • It’s versatile. Slather it on cakes, cupcakes, or eat it straight from the bowl. I won’t tell.

The Fantastic Four (Ingredients, That Is)

  • Instant vanilla pudding mix: The secret weapon for flavor and stability.
  • Milk: Because dry pudding is just sad.
  • Vanilla extract: For that extra oomph of flavor.
  • Frozen whipped topping: The star of the show, bringing all that fluffiness to the party.

Let’s Get Whippin’!

  1. Prep Your Arsenal
    Gather all your ingredients. Pro tip: Make sure that whipped topping is properly thawed, or you’ll be in for a lumpy surprise!
  2. Pudding Party
    In a medium bowl, whisk together the pudding mix, milk, and vanilla. Mix until it’s smoother than your best pick-up line.
  3. The Grand Finale
    Gently fold in the whipped topping. And when I say gently, I mean it. Treat it like you’re handling clouds made of kittens. Mix until no streaks remain, and voila! You’ve got frosting magic.

Frost Like a Boss

Now, spread this heavenly concoction over your cake and watch it disappear faster than your willpower in a donut shop. It’s perfect for those times when you want something a little lighter than traditional buttercream but just as delicious.

Pro Tips from Your Friendly Neighborhood Frosting Fanatic

  • Chill out: This frosting loves the cold. Keep it refrigerated until you’re ready to use it.
  • Mix it up: Feel free to swap vanilla pudding for chocolate, butterscotch, or any flavor that tickles your fancy.
  • Get fruity: Fold in some fresh berries for a burst of color and flavor.
  • Pipe dreams: This frosting pipes beautifully, so get creative with those cupcake swirls!

Cool Whipped Frosting Recipe

Prep Time: 10 minutes (5 of which are spent resisting the urge to eat the whipped topping)
Total Time: 10 minutes
Servings: Enough to frost one 9-inch cake or 24 cupcakes (or one very determined person)


  • 1 (3.5 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding mix
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed


  1. Gather all ingredients. (And maybe hide a spoon for “quality control” tastes.)
  2. In a medium bowl, combine pudding mix with milk and vanilla. Whisk until smooth and lump-free.
  3. Gently fold in the whipped topping until no streaks remain. Be gentle – we’re making frosting, not beating eggs!
  4. Spread evenly over your cake, or pipe onto cupcakes. Or, you know, eat it straight from the bowl. I won’t judge.

Notes from the Frosting Trenches:

  • This frosting is best used right away, but it can be stored in the fridge for up to 2 days. Just give it a quick whip before using.
  • If you’re feeling fancy, try adding a splash of almond extract or a pinch of cinnamon for some extra pizzazz.
  • This recipe doubles easily for larger cakes or, let’s be honest, when you just want more frosting.

And there you have it, folks! A frosting so easy and delicious, you’ll wonder why you ever bothered with anything else. Give it a whirl and let me know how it turns out. And remember, in the world of desserts, there’s no such thing as too much frosting!

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