Amaretto Cookies


Where has the time gone?  Seriously?  I know I keep saying that, but I’m going to say it one more time:  this year is flying by!  I feel like someone pressed fast forward on the time machine.  I don’t really have a time machine, but I sure wish I did.  The first thing I’d do is go back to first grade and see who stole my Popples lip gloss out of my back pack.  I’m clearly still scarred by that travesty.

Back to the present.  These chocolaty, nutty, cakey, crack-like little devils are amazing.  And when I say crack-like, I mean they’re highly addictive.  Extremely.  I think I may need to sign up for a 12-step program if I can’t go cold turkey.  

This is what you need for these bad boys:

Start out by preheating your oven to 350° and throwing in some almonds for a few minutes… 5 max.  We want to toast them up reeeeal nice like.

When they’re done, take ’em out and let ’em cool.

Next, toss some flour into a mixing bowl, along with some baking powder…

And some salt.

Sift or whisk everything together and then set the bowl aside.

Now, in the bowl of a stand mixer (or in a mixing bowl with a hand mixer), cream together the softened butter and sugar.  It takes about 4-5 minutes to get good and creamy.

Then add in the eggs one at a time, mixing after each one until it’s just combined.

This is where you add in the almond oil or almond extract.  Which I totally forgot to take a picture of.  SpAcE CaDeT??  Whoopsie!

If you’re using the LorAnn almond oil, you just need ¼ teaspoon; this stuff is potent.  It’s actually 3-4 times stronger than traditional extracts, so make sure you err on the cautious side.  If you’re using regular almond extract, you need 2 teaspoons.

So, after you add in the almond oil or extract, mix again until just incorporated.

Next, add in ⅓ of the flour mixture and mix until it’s just combined.

Then add in ½ of the almond milk, and again, mix until just combined.

The dough will be a little softer than traditional cookie dough; so no worries, you didn’t mess it up.

Use a cookie scoop or drop the dough by rounded tablespoons on to a cookie sheet, and bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes.  Mine were perfect after 11 minutes.

See?  Perfect, cakey little mounds.  Let them cool for a few minutes after taking them out of the oven.

While the cookies are cooling, let’s make the ganache.  Bring some heavy cream to a boil over medium heat.  We’re not talking full rolling boil though.  Just bubbles-at-the-edges boiling.  When it gets to that point, take the cream off the heat and toss in your chocolate chips.  

Let them sit and get acquainted for a few minutes, then get to whisking.  When you first start whisking, it may seem like they aren’t going to get along and come together, but just be patient and keep whisking.  They’ll realize that they’re meant for each other and everything will be right in the world.  Isn’t match making fun?!

While the cream and chocolate are getting to know each other, go ahead and chop up the almonds.

Now, let’s get to dressing these things.  First, take them for a dip in the ganache (that’s the chocolate we just made).

Oh momma.

Then sprinkle on some of the chopped almonds.

If you’re going to store them or give them out, make sure to let them hang out so that the chocolate can set up.  

Get in my mouth!!

Yup, I’m definitely going to need to attend a few meetings.

Here’s the recipe:

Amaretto Cookies

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Course: Desserts
Keyword: Desserts
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Total Time: 42 minutes
Servings: 36 Yields


  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 stick butter, softened to room temperature
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • ¼ teaspoon LorAnn Almond Oil OR 2 teaspoons almond extract
  • ¼ cup almond milk
  • 1 ½ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup almonds, toasted & chopped


  • Preheat oven to 350°.
  • Place almonds on a cooking sheet and toast in 350° oven for 4-5 minutes. Set aside to cool.
  • In the meantime, sift or whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
  • In the bowl of a stand mixer (or in a mixing bowl with a hand mixer), cream together the softened butter and sugar, about 4-5 minutes. Add the eggs one at a times, mixing until just incorporated. Add in the almond oil OR almond extract.
  • Add ⅓ of the flour mixture to the butter and sugar, mixing until just combined.
  • Add ½ of the almond milk, again, mixing until just combined.
  • Continue with ⅓ flour mixture, remaining almond milk and the final ⅓ flour mixture, mixing after each addition. Dough will be softer than traditional cookie dough.
  • Drop dough by rounded tablespoons onto parchment lined cookie sheets.
  • Bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes (I did them for 11).

1 Comment

  1. Vickie

    The printed recipe doesn’t include the chocolate topping.

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