There are a lot of reasons to celebrate in this life. I’m very fortunate to be surrounded by lots of good food and good people in my life right now and I’m very conscious about appreciating it all.

I don’t mention my personal politics on this blog often, but I do want to mention how grateful I am for the Supreme Court ruling last week. This is a very exciting time in our history and although we still have a ways to go, I think this is a wonderful start in equality for all. I am so happy for all of my friends and family and GLBTQ brothers and sisters across the country who will be impacted by this decision. 

I spent the weekend celebrating with friends at Seattle Pride and my cats even joined in the fun. It is certainly a time to celebrate love.

You know what else we need to celebrate? Berries! Berry season in the Pacific NW is so short that I tend to go a little crazy when berries are in season.

And you know what goes reeeaallllly well with berries? Chocolate coconut whipped cream ! These berries with chocolate coconut whipped cream are perfect for vegan potlucks, paleo picnics, or just bringing over to a friend’s BBQ. This recipe uses maple syrup for sweetness, but feel free to substitute raw honey, coconut sugar, or stevia depending on your preferences. You can even leave out the sugar alternatives entirely for a natural coconut sweetness.

Note: Since berries are one of the items on the EWG’s Dirty Dozen list (meaning they contain a high amount of pesticides), be sure to buy organic and preferably local when berries are in season. 


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Course: Dessert
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4


  • 14- oz can full-fat coconut milk refrigerated overnight (or at least several hours)
  • ¼ cup maple syrup or more to taste
  • 2 tablespoons cacao or cocoa powder
  • 1 pound organic strawberries (or berries of choice)


  • Add coconut milk to a large bowl along with maple syrup and cacao powder. Whisk by hand or use an electric mixer for 2 minutes, or until fluffy.
  • Hull and slice strawberries.
  • Divide berries amongst four glasses or bowls and top berries with whipped cream.