Holidays coming ahead, and everyone at the house is demanding a delicious dessert. Why don’t you prefer the fireball fudge recipe? Believe me! It tastes so delicious. The ingredient list is so simple and short that anyone can prefer this. It happens that most cooks prefer recipes with fewer ingredients. It takes twenty minutes to prepare this delicious fudge at home. Homemade fudge can be created with simple ingredients including condensed milk. The name of the recipe comes from the ingredient used ‘ Fireball Whisky’. Some people prefer cinnamon-infused whisky as well. It is not recommended to serve to kids at it contains alcohol.


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  • Chocolate chips – 3 ½ cups
  • Sweetened condensed milk – 1 cup
  • Vanilla extract – 1 tsp
  • Fireball Whiskey – ¼ cup


  • Take a baking pan or a baking dish. Use aluminium foil and lay it in the pan.
  • Take a bowl and melt some chocolate chips. You can use the microwave oven to melt them as per the instructions given on the package.
  • Take sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extracts and whisky in a bowl and stir them.
  • Now, put this mixture into the baking dish and cover it with aluminium foil. Leave it aside to let it settle down. This time maybe of 4-8 hrs. Before slicing the fudge, refrigerate it for an hour. Here, refrigeration is optional, but if you try, it eases slicing.
  • The fudge is ready to serve and can be stored in the air-tight container for 10-14 days.

Nutritional Facts

In each serving, there are 233 kcal of calories; 31 grams of carbs; 3 grams of protein; 10 grams of fat; 2 grams of fibre; 30 mg of calcium; and 0.7 mg of iron. 

Cooking Tips

  • Before using ingredients in the fudge, the first measure. Typically, a can weighs 14 oz and, this is more than required. 
  • Be cautious while buying condensed milk. Don’t buy evaporated milk as they are placed next to each other, and you can do this mistake in a hurry. 


  • Can I use white baking chips instead of chocolate chips?

Yes, you may add white baking chips instead of chocolate chips in the fudge. You can add any other flavour as well as per the taste required. 

  • Can I use any other liquor instead of whiskey?

Yes, you may substitute whiskey with any other liquor like vodka, gin and schnapps. 

  • What else can I add as toppings in my fudge to enhance the taste?

You may use anything you prefer. Try cinnamon candies. 

  • Can fireball fudge be frozen for longer?

Yes, fireball fudge can be frozen for 10-14 days. It is also safe to keep fudge at room temperature for 10-14 days. If you are living in a hot environment, then it might melt. 

  • How fireball fudge can be stored longer at room temperature?

Take an airtight container and store it at room temperature. Until you don’t open it, it will be preserved for some days. 

Cook fireball fudge for sending holiday treats to your best friends or colleagues. Comment below that you followed the exact recipe or tried options? Also, share any of your tried cooking recipes. 

1 Comment

  1. Debra Day

    Love making fudge thanks for sharing

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