Reuben Crescent Bake


There’s something about comfort food that speaks directly to the soul. It wraps you in a cozy blanket of flavors and nostalgia, making everything seem right in the world. Among the shining stars of comfort food is the Corned Beef Crescent Bake. This dish, with its perfect melding of tangy, sweet, cheesy, and meaty flavors, embodies everything we love about hearty meals. And today, I’m going to take you on a delightful journey to create this culinary masterpiece.

What Makes This Dish Unique?

At its heart, the Corned Beef Crescent Bake is a beautiful fusion of different culinary profiles. The base ingredient, the sauerkraut, brings a tangy zest, which is expertly complemented by the creaminess of the thousand island dressing. These two might sound like an odd couple, but when married together, they create an umami flavor that’s truly delectable.

The corned beef adds another layer of robustness, with its rich, salty notes that contrast wonderfully with the tartness of the sauerkraut mix. And of course, let’s not forget the role of the Swiss cheese. Melting seamlessly into the mix, it adds a creamy texture and a sharp taste that ties the whole dish together.

Handcrafting The Perfect Crescent Bake

  1. Prepping the Oven and Baking Dish: Start by warming your oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). While it’s getting all toasty, remember to grease an 8×8-inch baking dish. This ensures that your final creation comes out easily and retains its beautiful shape.
  2. Creating the Flavorful Mix: In a bowl, mix your drained sauerkraut and the thousand island salad dressing. Make sure they’re well combined to get that uniform flavor throughout the dish.
  3. Rolling Out the Dough: This is where the Pillsbury® crescent rolls come into play. You’ll want to create two sheets from this. The first will be slightly larger than the second, but don’t worry, it’s all part of the plan. The larger sheet acts as the base, while the second becomes the beautiful, golden lid for our bake.
  4. Layering the Goodness: Once you’ve prebaked the dough crust (just till it’s lightly browned), start your layering. The Swiss cheese slices go in first, followed by the corned beef. Top it off with the tangy sauerkraut mixture and another layer of cheese. Seal the deal with the second sheet of crescent roll dough.
  5. Golden Finish: To get that beautiful, golden finish, brush your creation with a beaten egg white. This simple step ensures a glossy finish, making your dish look as good as it tastes.
  6. Bake and Savor: With all the layers in place, pop it into the oven. As the aromas waft through your home, you know you’re in for a treat. Once baked to perfection, let it cool slightly before diving in.

Reuben Crescent Bake Recipe


  • ¾ cup sauerkraut (ensure it’s well-drained and moisture-free)
  • ⅓ cup classic thousand island dressing
  • 1 tube (8 ounce) of your favorite crescent roll pastry
  • ¾ pound of deli-style, thinly sliced corned beef
  • 8 slices of authentic Swiss cheese
  • 1 egg white, whisked lightly

The Art of Baking:

  1. Warm-Up Session: Begin by setting your oven to a cozy 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). While it’s heating, lightly butter or grease an 8×8-inch ovenproof dish. This ensures your bake slips out effortlessly once done.
  2. Kraut Mix Mastery: In a mixing bowl, blend the sauerkraut with the thousand island dressing. This combo creates a rich, flavorful base that’s both tangy and creamy.
  3. Crescent Craft: Carefully unravel the crescent roll pastry. Slice the dough into two halves. On a lightly floured surface, work with one half, sealing any gaps, and gently roll it out into approximately a 12-inch square. This forms the luscious bottom layer of our bake. For the second half, repeat the process but aim for a 9-inch square; this will be our golden top layer.
  4. Building the Layers: Bake the larger dough sheet in your prepped dish for about 8 to 10 minutes until it takes on a light golden hue. Upon removing from the oven, begin your masterpiece. Layer on 4 slices of the Swiss cheese, followed by the corned beef slices. Generously spread the sauerkraut mixture on top. Crown this with the remaining cheese slices. Now, drape over the second sheet of crescent pastry. Tuck and seal the edges to encapsulate all that goodness. For a glossy, golden finish, brush the top with your whisked egg white.
  5. The Final Bake: Place your assembled delight back into the oven. Bake until the cheesy core is molten and the crust turns a deep golden shade – roughly 15 to 20 minutes. Exercise some patience and allow it to rest for about 5 minutes after baking. This makes the slicing smoother and lets the flavors meld beautifully.

Slice, serve, and watch the magic unfold. This Corned Beef & Kraut Crescent Bake is more than just food; it’s an experience – a story of flavors told in the most delectable way. Dive in!

1 Comment

  1. Cecilia Coglianese

    Very good looking and tasty!!

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