Homemade Spaghetti Sauce


Growing up, the kitchen was always a haven of warmth, tantalizing aromas, and memories in the making. One of the first pillars of this love story between me and cooking was the sacred spaghetti sauce recipe passed down in my family. It was more than just a dish. It was a rite of passage.

Every child remembers their first bicycle ride without training wheels, and for me, mastering this spaghetti sauce was akin to that. This wasn’t just any sauce; it was the recipe my mother trusted me with when my culinary journey had just begun. Two dishes marked my initiation into the kitchen world: this spaghetti sauce and the irresistibly delicious Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies.

I can vividly remember those afternoons. My mother, always hovering nearby, trusted me to take the helm of our family kitchen. The true reward? My older brothers’ seal of approval when they savored every bite and asked for seconds.

A Legacy of Flavor

This spaghetti sauce is the epitome of comfort food in our household. Its simple nature belies the depth of flavor it packs. Here’s a glimpse into how the magic happens:

  1. Meat and Onions First: Start by browning the beef alongside the onions. To achieve that velvety texture in the sauce, I prefer to pulse the browned meat in a food processor. A few quick pulses make it finely crumbled. However, if chunky and hearty is your style, feel free to skip this step.
  2. Tomatoes and Seasoning: Next, blend in the tomato sauce, tomato paste, a sprinkle of seasonings, a dash of Worcestershire sauce, and just a hint of sugar. Once you have everything in the pot, let the mixture simmer. Trust me; patience is key. The longer it simmers, the more the flavors marry, creating a symphony in your mouth.
  3. Diversify with the Sauce: This sauce isn’t just limited to spaghetti. It plays a starring role in my Spaghetti Pie, Million Dollar Spaghetti, Slow Cooker Lasagna, and Instant Pot Spaghetti.

Decoding the World of Sauces

For those who get puzzled by the myriad of tomato-based sauces out there, here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Marinara Sauce: A slow-simmered blend of tomatoes, garlic, and herbs. While it’s often meatless in America, its variations worldwide can include a plethora of other ingredients.
  • Spaghetti Sauce: Think of it as the superhero version of marinara sauce. It’s dressed up with spices, perhaps meat, veggies, and cheese.
  • Pizza Sauce: This is your straightforward sauce, uncooked and prepped with minimal ingredients. Its magic unfolds as it cooks with the pizza.

Savoring It for Days

One of the joys of this sauce is its longevity. Whether you want to make a batch for the coming days or store some for that unexpected dinner party months away, it’s freezer-friendly. Just ensure it cools completely before freezing, and you have a treat waiting for you for up to 4-6 months.

Growing up with this recipe, I realized that the best dishes aren’t just about ingredients; they’re about memories, traditions, and the hands that make them. Every time I make this sauce, I’m not just cooking; I’m reminiscing and reliving those cherished moments.


  • 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil
  • 1 pound of lean ground beef
  • 1/2 yellow onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon of Italian Seasoning
  • 2 teaspoons of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly minced garlic
  • 3 cups of water
  • 1 jar of Spaghetti Sauce
  • 1 can of diced tomatoes (optional, but mighty tasty)
  • 16 ounces of spaghetti noodles

How to Make Homemade Spaghetti:

  1. First things first, set your Air Pot to Saute mode.
  2. Once it’s all warmed up, add in the chopped onion and that lovely Olive Oil.
  3. Once the onions get a little softened, toss in the ground beef along with all them tasty seasonings. Cook it up until the meat is nice and done.
  4. Now, let’s add the water in after taking the meat out. Make sure to scrape the bottom real well, so we don’t get no Burn warning from the Air Pot.
  5. Take them spaghetti noodles and break ’em in half. Place ’em in the Air Pot in a criss-cross pattern.
  6. Pour that Spaghetti Sauce all over them noodles, and if you want some extra flavor, go ahead and add that can of diced tomatoes right on top.
  7. Now, it’s time to add the water. Pour it on the sides and the top of them tomatoes, and give it a little push down to make sure the spaghetti is all covered up.
  8. Slap the lid on, turn the valve to sealing, and hit that Pressure Cook button.
  9. Set the time for 5 minutes, and once it’s done, let the pressure do a natural release for 5 more minutes.
  10. Now, do a quick release until that pin drops.
  11. Open up the lid and give it all a good stir. Mix them spaghetti, sauce, tomatoes, and meat together for a mouthwatering combo.

Y’all can serve it up with a side of dinner salad and some garlic cheese toast if that suits your fancy. Enjoy your hearty homemade spaghetti, partner!