Reading provides a looking glass to the world and allows us to travel without ever leaving the house. Here are a list of 10 books to inspire you to travel, experience new things, and even embark on a quest to find yourself. These books are an absolute must read for any and every aspiring world traveler.
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert:
Sometimes we have to go outside of our comfort zone to truly find our bliss. The story follows a woman who has everything in life that “should” make her happy; a husband, nice house, good job, but she still feels like something is missing. She journeys to find pleasure, devotion, and balance through travel. Encouraging the reader to dare to expand their horizons.
‘The Good Girl’s Guide to Getting Lost’ by Rachel Friedman Follow Rachel:
a consummate good girl just out of college who on a whim takes a trip to Ireland, meets an adventurous Australian girl and launches into a year long odyssey across three continents. A book that’s sure to set your wanderlust on fire.
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger:
For those who love New York City, this book is for you. It tells a powerful story with a wonderful portrayal of New York. Lovers of this novel journey to New York to follow Holden’s journey through the city.
PS, I Love You by Cecelia Ahern:
The powerful imagery of the beautiful Irish landscape inspires the reader to immediately get on the next plane to Ireland. The story is heartbreaking but beautiful.
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green:
This novel is also heartbreaking, however, Amsterdam is portrayed wonderfully and as a safe spot for the characters, Hazel and Gus. The author allows the characters to risk everything to be able to accomplish their dreams through travel.
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares:
This great series follows four best friends to different destinations around the world, inspiring the young traveler to follow their own path with the knowledge that great friendships will endure.
Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton:
Based on the street photography of the author, this book is composed of pictures of people on the streets of New York City with a short descriptive of their stories. A great motivator to visit New York City as it captures the beauty and diversity in the city.
‘Life is a Trip’ by Judith Fein:
A highly entertaining guide to how cultural and experiential travel will change your life..
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho:
An inspiring journey of one man traveling from Egypt to Spain. A good example of life, love, and following your heart.
Love With a Chance of Drowning by Torre DeRoche:
A must read for any aspiring traveler. This book should be on every travelers must read list. A story of overcoming a fear of the ocean for love, the descriptions of the protagonist’s adventures and scenery will surely inspire you to create your own adventures..
This list is for all the people with serious wanderlust, and a desire for adventure. No matter what stage of life you are in right now, I hope these books allow you to follow the adventures of every character and even dare to embark on your own.