Rotisserie Chicken and Stuffing Casserole


Hey y’all! If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my Western roots, it’s that sometimes the best dishes are the ones that come together with a lil’ bit of convenience and a whole lotta love. Enter the shortcut chicken and stuffing casserole! We’re talkin’ about that trusty rotisserie chicken, a dash of store-bought stuffing mix, and good ol’ canned condensed soups. And here’s the kicker – this dish is a dream for make-ahead meals, and it’ll cozy up real nice in the freezer. If you’re lookin’ for your next homestyle hit, partner, you’ve struck gold.

Quick Guide to Whipping Up Chicken and Stuffing Casserole

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, here’s the rundown:

  1. Rustlin’ Up Some Stuffing: Get that water and butter bubblin’! Once it’s boiling, toss in the stuffing and wait for that water to disappear. Give it a good fluffin’ with your fork.
  2. Veggie Roundup: In a skillet, sauté your celery and onions in butter till they’re as soft as a sunset sky and those onions have gone see-through on ya.
  3. Soup’s On: Grab a bowl and mix them condensed soups with a dollop of sour cream till they’re as friendly as can be.
  4. Layer it Like the Grand Canyon: Begin with your chicken, followed by those golden onions. Season it right, then pour that creamy soup mix over the top. Finish strong with your stuffing.
  5. Bake it to Perfection: Wait for that filling to bubble up like a natural spring and for the top to turn as golden as a Nevada desert.

Playin’ with Your Chow

  • Chicken: Rotisserie’s the cowboy’s choice, quick and ready! But don’t be shy to rope in any shredded, cooked chicken you’ve got.
  • Condensed Soup: This dish calls for cream of chicken and mushroom, but don’t be afraid to swap one for a can of cream of celery soup.
  • Sour Cream: If you’re out of sour cream, some folks swear by mayonnaise. Keep it even-steven with an 8-ounce swap.
  • Vegetable Medley: Fresh or frozen, peas, carrots, or even green beans can add a splash of color and flavor to this rustic dish.

Some Handy Dandy Tips

Make-Ahead: You betcha! Whip this casserole up, cover it up snug, and park it in the fridge for a day. Add a smidge more cookin’ time when you’re ready to bake.

Storing Your Grub: Got leftovers? They’ll stay good in the fridge for 3-4 days in an airtight container. Microwave or oven, both’ll get ’em heated up nice.

Freezin’ for Later: If you’re thinkin’ of storing it for a spell, pop this dish in a disposable pan. Wrap it up tight and it’ll stay frosty for two months. Let it thaw overnight in the fridge and heat it up in the oven when you’re hankering for a bite.

Words from Fellow Food Wranglers

Holly DeSantis chimed in with, “This is one hearty meal, y’all. My hubby’s a comfort food kinda guy, and this hits the spot every time. Threw in some sautéed mushrooms just ’cause. A regular in our rotation for sure.”

Katy Walker said, “Can’t get enough of this! Simple, scrumptious, and pairs real nice with some sautéed sugar snap peas. A fall and winter staple in our homestead.”

And Peggy added, “This is a winner. Thinkin’ of doubling up on that stuffing next time and tossin’ in peas. That slight crunch in the stuffing? Pure gold.”

So there y’all have it! Give this shortcut chicken and stuffing casserole a whirl and let the flavors of the West warm your heart and belly. Happy cookin’!

Here’s what ya need:

  • A lil’ squirt of cooking spray
  • 1 ½ cups good ol’ water
  • ¼ cup butter (the kind Mama swears by)
  • 1 package of quick-cooking stuffing mix (like Stove Top®). Feel free to add more if you’re feelin’ it!
  • 1 generous spoon of butter
  • 1 medium onion, chopped up finer than the dust on a prairie
  • 3 crunchy celery stalks, diced up. (But hey, if you’re like me and love your veggies, throw in a bit more!)
  • 1 can of low-sodium cream of chicken soup (that’s 10.5 ounces, for those who like specifics)
  • Half a can of the same size of low-sodium cream of mushroom soup
  • A good 8-ounce dollop of sour cream
  • 1 whole rotisserie chicken, all cooked up, skin off, boned, and meat all shredded like a good ol’ BBQ
  • A sprinkle of salt and pepper, just to kick things up a notch

Let’s Get Cookin’!

  1. First off, heat up your oven to 375 degrees F (that’s about 190 degrees C for folks across the pond). Grab your 9×13-inch baking dish and give it a good spray-down with that cooking spray.
  2. In a saucepan, get that water and 1/4 cup butter to a boil. Toss in your stuffing mix and stir it up till everything’s friendly. Take it off the heat, cover it up like a snug blanket, and let it sit till the water’s soaked in. Should be about 5 minutes. Give it a little fluff with your fork.
  3. Now, while that stuffing’s settlin’, get a skillet heated and melt down that tablespoon of butter. Toss in your onions and celery, and let ’em sizzle and soften up, around 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix up both of your soups with the sour cream till it’s smooth as a country ballad.
  5. Get that chicken and spread it on out in your baking dish. Layer your sautéed onions and celery on top, and season it with a sprinkle of salt and pepper.
  6. Spread that creamy soup mixture over the veggies, and then top the whole shebang with your stuffing.
  7. Pop it into the oven and wait till it bubbles up and the top turns a golden brown, just like a desert sunset. Should be about an hour.
  8. Serve it up piping hot and enjoy every hearty bite!

Happy eatin’, partners! This casserole’s bound to have y’all hankering for seconds!


  1. Cass Mcgivern

    Awesome recipes
    Can’t wait to try them

  2. Debbie

    Love your recipes

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