6 Easy Vegetables to Grow for Beginner Gardeners


2. Tomatoes

A favorite among home gardeners, vining tomatoes reward a little extra care with abundant fruit perfect for eating fresh or preserving as sauce, soup, salsa and more. This heat-loving crop requires warm soil, full sun and consistent moisture for best growth and productivity.

Determinate bush varieties grow compactly, maturing early for canning/freezing. Or choose eager-to-climb indeterminates that keep producing until frost with support from tall stakes or cages.

Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before last expected spring frost. Harden off and transplant seedlings outdoors after danger of chill passes. Space plants 18-24 inches apart in nutrient-rich soil and keep evenly moist, avoiding wet foliage. Side dress with organic fertilizer as fruits develop.

Watch for common pests and diseases. Identify blossom end rot (BER) early and correct uneven moisture. Harvest tomatoes at deep color stages for maximum flavor – leaving some green skin is okay!