6 Easy Vegetables to Grow for Beginner Gardeners


5. Beets

From deep purple Bulldozer to golden Touchstone Gold, diverse beet varieties let you grow a rainbow that looks as good on the plate as it tastes. This cool-season crop is tender yet resilient – perfect for beginning gardeners.

Sow beet seeds directly in prepared garden soil 2-3 weeks before your region’s last spring frost date. For fall harvests, get seeds in ground 8-10 weeks prior to anticipated first hard freeze.

Space seeds 1-2 inches apart in all directions in rows or blocks, planting 1⁄4 inch deep. Thin seedlings when they reach 3 inches, leaving 4-6 inches between plants. Consistent moisture and mulch keeps growth steady.

Beets send up nutritious greens early – thin these for salads. Bulbing begins a month later. Test size by pushing aside soil to check. The biggest roots often lurk deceptively deep!

Harvest promptly when roots reach ping pong to tennis ball sizes for best texture. Skins slip off easily if gently cooked whole. Cold weather brings out beets’ sweetest flavor.