White Chocolate Peppermint Fudge


Whether you are doing a Secret Santa for a friend with a sweet tooth, sticking with homemade gifts this year, or just plan old crazy about fudge, be sure to add this White Chocolate Peppermint Fudge to your list!

You’ll be oh so happy you did.

Now I’ll be back Wednesday with the first of many cute cookies for the season, so be sure to check back first thing in the morning!

Happy Baking!

White Chocolate Peppermint Fudge

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Servings: 16 squares


  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 (12 oz) bag of white chocolate chips
  • 1 (7oz) jar marshmallow fluff
  • 2 tsp peppermint extract
  • red and green food coloring, as needed
  • 1/2 cup crushed candy canes


  • Line one 9×9 square pan with aluminum foil. Add sugar, butter, heavy cream, and salt to a medium-sized, deep pot and bring to a boil. Boil for five minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Remove from heat and, using an electric mixer, beat in fluff. Stir in white chocolate and mint extract and beat until smooth.
  • Divide amongst 3 bowls. Dye one batch of fudge red, one batch green, and leave the last white. Pour the white layer into the prepared pan, followed by the next two colors. Top with crushed candy canes, and then cover and place in fridge to set for at least 4 hours. Cut into squares and serve.